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07 Social Media

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Social Media



Inserting a Facebook widget (intro)

Inserting a Facebook widget

Editing a Facebook widget

Inserting a Twitter widget

Twitter widget types

Inserting a Twitter widget

Inserting a Google +1 button

Inserting a social bookmarking button strip


Inserting a Facebook widget (intro)  <TOP>

Facebook widgets can be added to your page to stream various types of live feeds to display on your page or a Like button that allows users to share and promote your page via their Facebook pages.


A Facebook account is recommended to use these widgets. For more information about Facebook, visit www.facebook.com.


Inserting a Facebook widget  <TOP>

The widget is placed directly on the page, the same as any other object.

To insert a Facebook widget:

1. From the Quick Build tab (Social Media category), click Facebook Widget then click on the page to place.

2. In the dialog, from the Type drop-down list, select either Activity Feed, Like Feed, Recommendations Feed, or Like Button.

3. In the Preview pane, check or uncheck Update to preview what your widget will look like on the page as you make changes.

4. Customize the behavior of your widget:

Use Current Site URL

Check to use the current URL of your site. Uncheck to enter a custom web address below. For Like Feed, enter the exact URL of a Facebook page.

Link Target (Recommendations Feed only) Select Blank to open links in a new window, select Parent

or Top to open links in the same window.

Verb to Display (Like Button only) Select Like or Recommend as the word that appears on the button.

5. (Optional) Customize the appearance of your widget using additional options (these differ according to Type).

6. Click OK.

Editing a Facebook widget  <TOP>

Once added to the page, the Facebook widget can be edited at any time.

To edit a Facebook widget:

1. Double-click the widget. The Edit dialog is displayed. The options available are the same as those available when the widget was created.

2. Make your changes and click OK. You can add an anchor to your widget by clicking Anchor on the context toolbar. For more information on anchors, see Adding an anchor.

Inserting a Twitter widget  <TOP>

A Tweet or Follow button can be added to your page that interfaces directly with Twitter.


A Twitter account is recommended to use these widgets.

For more information about Twitter, visit www.twitter.com.


Twitter widget types  <TOP>

There are two types of widgets that can be added to a page to allow visitors to engage with site content in different ways.

Tweet Button

Allows visitors to share your website by tweeting your site content to their Twitter profile.

Follow Button Allows visitors to follow your account on Twitter.

Inserting a Twitter widget  <TOP>

The widget is placed directly onto the page, the same as any other object.

To insert a Tweet Button:

1. From the Quick Build tab (Social Media category), click  Twitter Widget then click on the page to place.

2. In the dialog, from the Type drop-down list, select Tweet Button.

3. Customize the behavior of your button:

Use Current Site URL

Check to use the current URL of your site. Uncheck to enter a custom web address in URL To Tweet.

Tweet Text

Enter Tweet Text. This text gets displayed in the Tweet field and is modifiable prior to Tweet submission.


Enter the name of a Twitter account to add to the end of the tweet as a "via @<username>". It is recommended to enter your username in this field.


Offers a recommended Twitter username that web visitors can follow. The recommendation appears after a Tweet has been submitted.


Enter a phrase as a hashtag (phrases cannot have spaces). Tweets will be searchable by that hashtag.

4. (Optional) Customize the appearance of your widget using additional options (these differ according to Type).

5. Click OK.

To insert a Follow Button:

1. From the Quick Build tab (Social Media category), click Twitter Widget then click   on the page to place.

2. In the dialog, from the Type drop-down list, select Follow Button.

3. In the Preview pane, check or uncheck Update to preview what your widget will look like on the page as you make changes.

4. In User To Follow, enter a Twitter username. Visitors will follow this account on Twitter when they click your button.

5. (Optional) Customize the appearance of your widget using additional options (these differ according to Type).

6. Click OK.

Editing a Twitter widget

Once added to the page, the Twitter widget can be edited at any time.

To edit a Twitter widget:

Double-click the widget.

Inserting a Google +1 button  <TOP>

Promote your site by using a Google +1 button to let visitors recommend your site content to Google+. When visitors click your button they will be able to share your web page by posting on their live stream or the +1 tab on their Google+ profiles. The +1 tab displays all links a user recommends to the public. The Google +1 button can also display how many others have recommended your web page.


A Google+ account is recommended to use this button. To find out

more about Google+, visit plus.google.com.


To insert a Google +1 button:

1. From the Quick Build tab (Social Media category), click   Google +1 Button then click on the page.

2. From the dialog, in the Preview pane, check or uncheck Update to preview what your widget will look like on the page as you make changes.

3. In the Configuration pane, check +1 Current Page to use the current URL of your site. Uncheck to enter a custom web address in Custom URL.

4. (Optional) From the Size drop-down list, select a size for your widget.

5. (Optional) From the Annotation drop-down list, select an annotation style.

6. Click OK.

To edit a Google +1 button:

Double-click the button.

Inserting a social bookmarking button strip  <TOP>

If you add a strip containing a selection of social bookmarking buttons, your web visitors can share and promote your site via whichever social media or social news site is clicked. WebPlus lets you to create a stripwith some of the most popular social websites including Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, Digg, etc.

Although not considered social media, the strip also lets visitors share

your site's URL via email or simply print the current page.


Why not position your button strip on a master page? This will make

the strip available across all pages that use that master page.


To insert a social bookmarking button strip:

1. From the Quick Build tab (Social Media category), click  Social Bookmarking Button Strip then click anywhere on the page to place it.

2. From the dialog, select a website from the Not Included In Strip list and click Add to add that website's button to the strip. To remove a button from the strip, select a website from the Included In Strip list and click Remove.

3. (Optional) Click Up or Down to change the order icons appear on your strip.

4. Select a Share option: Site to share your entire site, or Page to share just the page.

5. Click OK.

To edit a social bookmarking button strip:

Double-click the button strip.