Importing text from a file <TOP>
Importing text from a word-
WebPlus will import text into a selected text frame or create a new text frame if one is not selected. See Inserting text frames on p. 34 for more information.
WebPlus will preserve the formatting of imported word-
text. However, if you're using your word processor to create text
specifically for WebPlus, you'll save time by typing as text only, and
applying formatting later in WebPlus.
Tables cannot be imported.
To import text into a new text frame:
1. Choose Insert > Text File from the Text menu.
2. From the Insert Text File dialog, select the format of the source file to be imported and locate the file itself.
3. Check the Retain Format box to retain the source file's formatting styles. Uncheck the box to discard this information. In either case, WebPlus will preserve basic character properties like italic, bold, and underline, and paragraph properties like alignment (left, center, right, justified).
4. Click Open.
5. Drag out to place the text frame at your chosen dimensions.
Click on the page or pasteboard to create a new frame at a default size.
You can also import text directly into a text frame which already exists
on the page.
To import text into an existing frame:
1. If using an existing empty text frame, select the frame. If inserting text into a populated text frame, click for an insertion point (or select a portion of text to be replaced).
2. Follow steps 1-
The text will be imported into the selected text object. For text frames, the text may overflow your frame. To resolve this, see Controlling overflowing frame text.
Using artistic text <TOP>
Artistic text is standalone text you type directly onto a page. Especially useful for headlines, pull quotes, and other special-
To create artistic text:
1. Choose the Artistic Text Tool from the Drawing toolbar.
2. Click anywhere on the page for an insertion point using a default point size, or drag to specify a particular size as shown here.
3. Set initial text properties (font, style, etc.) as needed before typing, using the Text context toolbar, Text menu, or rightclick (choose Text Format>).
4. Type directly on the page to create the artistic text.
Once you've created an artistic text object, you can select, move, resize, delete, and copy it just as you would with a text frame. Solid colors, gradient/bitmap fills and transparency can all be applied.
To resize or re-
• Drag the object's corner handles to resize it while maintaining the object's proportions.
• To resize freely, hold down the Shift key while dragging.
To edit artistic text:
• Drag to select a range of text, creating a blue selection.
You can also double-
Now you can type new text, apply character and paragraph
formatting, edit the text in WritePlus, apply proofing options,
and so on.
Editing text on the page <TOP>
You can use the Pointer Tool to edit frame text, table text, or artistic text directly. On the page, you can select and enter text, set paragraphindents and tab stops, change text properties, apply text styles, and use Find and Replace. For editing longer stories, and for more advanced options, choose WritePlus (Edit Story from the Text menu).
Selecting and entering text
The selection of frame text, artistic text, and table text follows the conventions of the most up-
respectively. You can also make use of the Ctrl-
selection of non-
To edit text on the page:
1. Select the Pointer Tool, then click (or drag) in the text object. A standard insertion point appears at the click position (see below).
Select a single word, paragraph or portion of text.
2. Type to insert new text or overwrite selected text, respectively.
To start a new paragraph:
• Press Enter.
To start a new line within the same paragraph (using a "line
break" or "soft return"):
• Press Shift+Enter.
To switch between insert mode and overwrite mode:
• Press the Insert key.
Copying, pasting and moving text
You can easily copy and paste text using standard commands; drag and drop of text is also supported.
If you don't place an insertion point, the text can be pasted into a
new text frame directly.